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Amy’s Desk part 2

Amy’s Desk part 2

With the inlay panels finished, the next logical step was to build the pedestals. These are fairly simple, but they have some complex curves and cutouts that had to be sized appropriately. It started with the frames to go around the...
Amy’s Desk part 1

Amy’s Desk part 1

I started this project in November, but had a couple of breaks so it’s just now getting posted. This one will be in a few parts because it’s more complex than I’ve been doing lately. Let’s start with a picture: The...
A couple of quick gifts

A couple of quick gifts

I’m working on a desk right now which will be posted when its done, but I took a short break from that to do a couple of quick Christmas presents. Minimal photography here, but it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. The...
Part 4: A Unique Display Case

Part 4: A Unique Display Case

This last part in the series was the most challenging, and the most interesting. They wanted a display case large enough for a human to enter and turn around and be visible from 3 sides. Sometimes that person would be standing on a base...
Part 3: A Pillory

Part 3: A Pillory

Now things start to get really interesting, in a medieval way. Centuries ago, lesser offenses were considered unworthy of jail time; instead the miscreant was put on display and the general public invited to insult, abuse, and otherwise...
Part 2:  Spanking Benches

Part 2: Spanking Benches

Once I had the crosses done, I moved on to the next item, which was two spanking benches. I ended up doing two different styles on this, one bench for “normal size” and smaller people and one for larger people. Smaller bench...