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Julie’s Laptop Table

Julie’s Laptop Table

We’re not quite ready to plunk down the money for kitchen cabinets yet, but there was another itch in the house that needed scratching recently. Late last year I built a pair of really pretty snack tables: They’ve been...
Rolling Storage Unit build, completion

Rolling Storage Unit build, complet...

With the case fully assembled, my storage unit was starting to look pretty good.  Now came the detail work. Shelves The three adjustable shelves are very simple things, just a painted plywood piece with a strip of maple at the front.  I...
Rolling Storage Unit build, part two

Rolling Storage Unit build, part tw...

Now that I had my vertical case parts, the next part was pretty simple. Top and Bottom The top for my rolling storage unit is a piece of 3/4-inch MDF 72 inches long and 19 wide.  To give it rigidity, it is trimmed in 1-1/2 inch wide...
Rack ’em Up

Rack ’em Up

I’ve already shown you the craptastic 2×4 shelf unit where I’ve been storing my lumber and sheet goods, and my plans for a better system.  One part of the plan was executed successfully today: This is the Wood River HD...
Rolling Storage Unit build, part one

Rolling Storage Unit build, part on...

To get started on my new storage unit, I made a parts list from my SketchUp model and went shopping.  For hardware I ordered: Four 2-1/2 inch locking casters Four pairs of 18-inch full extension drawer slides Two pairs of frameless full...
Rolling Storage Unit design

Rolling Storage Unit design

There’s one part of my shop that I’ve never shown you.  It’s the area where I store lumber, sheet goods, and also the non-woodworking items that one normally keeps in a garage.  Here it is:   Yeah, it’s kind of a...