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Router Table Tenoning Sled

Router Table Tenoning Sled

Mortise and tenon joints are so common, and so important to furniture making, that I’m always trying to get better at doing them.  One of the great things about woodworking is that there’s always more than one way to do basic...
Cherry and Walnut Night Stand build, part 1

Cherry and Walnut Night Stand build...

This night stand is a good project to make in pairs.  I started out by making up my cut list and going shopping at Woodcraft. Like the dresser, the night stand case is made from 3/4-inch cherry veneer plywood with solid cherry drawer...
Cherry and Walnut night stand, design

Cherry and Walnut night stand, desi...

The nine-drawer dresser project was a huge success.  Julie and I are enjoying it, and I’ll admit to taking particular pleasure in hauling the Ikea thing to the dump and tossing it over the side. Now the ugliest thing left in our...
Nine-drawer Dresser Build, completion

Nine-drawer Dresser Build, completi...

With the completion of the drawers, I was almost done. Case Back The case back is very simple:  a piece of 1/4-inch cherry plywood cut to fit.  My case was 47-3/4 inches wide inside the rabbets at the back, but I knew I was a tiny bit off...
Nine-drawer Dresser Build, part three

Nine-drawer Dresser Build, part thr...

The only components left to make for this dresser were the drawers and the back panel.  I tackled the drawers next. Drawers This piece is going in Julie’s and my bedroom, so I wanted to do something more aesthetically pleasing than...
My New Best Friend

My New Best Friend

I’ve always been a power tool guy.  When I was a 10-year-old in 4-H, making simple things like toolboxes and napkin holders, I wondered why I had to saw stuff by hand and make crooked, ragged-looking cuts when there was a radial arm...