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Amy’s Desk part 5

Posted by on Mar 24, 2025 in Projects | 0 comments

Amy’s Desk part 5

All the major parts of the desk were done, so I just had a few little things to do. I started by doing the wiring in the pedestals. Pedestal wiring I bought these off Amazon because they looked simple to install and way less time and effort than making my own outlet boxes, which was what I’d previously done. The front (3 outlets plus USB) is wired to the back (4 outlets plus USB and power switch). I snipped the cords on both and wired them together, so there would only be one cord going out the back. Technically you could plug one...

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Amy’s Desk part 4

Posted by on Mar 12, 2025 in Projects, Techniques | 0 comments

Amy’s Desk part 4

I got tripped up for a little bit on these drawers, I’ll confess right now. And here is where it bit me. First up, let’s look at the drawing again: The SketchUp model of Amy’s desk On the right side are supposed to be two file-size drawers and one small drawer — “small” meaning 4 inches, like to top drawer on the other side. But I screwed up on the measurements, because I only made the pedestals 15 inches wide. 15 inches – 2 (thickness of the sides) – 1 (for a pair of 1/2″ drawer slides)...

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Amy’s Desk part 3

Posted by on Feb 28, 2025 in Projects | 0 comments

Amy’s Desk part 3

With the pedestals made, I turned my attention to the desktop. This will be a fairly standard-issue desktop for me, except it is solid maple instead of plywood so I had to take some care with joinery to allow for wood movement. Hard maple moves a fair amount, so not doing that would guarantee me a short-lived desk and an unhappy client. I started out selecting the location and placement of the boards. I was looking for good matching color and grain, and I didn’t have a lot of extra to work with. The desktop needed to be 60″ x...

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Amy’s Desk part 2

Posted by on Feb 17, 2025 in Projects, Techniques | Comments Off on Amy’s Desk part 2

Amy’s Desk part 2

With the inlay panels finished, the next logical step was to build the pedestals. These are fairly simple, but they have some complex curves and cutouts that had to be sized appropriately. It started with the frames to go around the plywood panels I’d made. Rather than just straight frames, these are curved at the top and bottom. It was a pretty simple process — I just cut those rails about 3/4″ wider than the stiles, and made a template on the CNC for consistency. Once the curves were cut, I then went to the table saw and...

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Amy’s Desk part 1

Posted by on Feb 8, 2025 in Projects, Techniques | Comments Off on Amy’s Desk part 1

Amy’s Desk part 1

I started this project in November, but had a couple of breaks so it’s just now getting posted. This one will be in a few parts because it’s more complex than I’ve been doing lately. Let’s start with a picture: The SketchUp model of Amy’s desk This is for Amy, a friend who just moved into a new home and needs a desk. I took inspiration from a couple of other pieces of furniture that will occupy the same room, like the large symbol on the side and the bird’s mouth at the bottom of the drawer sections. The...

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A couple of quick gifts

Posted by on Dec 26, 2024 in Projects | Comments Off on A couple of quick gifts

A couple of quick gifts

I’m working on a desk right now which will be posted when its done, but I took a short break from that to do a couple of quick Christmas presents. Minimal photography here, but it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. The wood all came from raiding my scrap bin. A custom box makes a quick gift special. Buying a bottle of someone’s favorite booze is a great start to a gift, but how about putting it in a custom box? That raises things to the next level. This box is pretty simple: just mitered corners, with all the sides and...

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Part 4: A Unique Display Case

Posted by on Dec 2, 2024 in Dungeon furniture | Comments Off on Part 4: A Unique Display Case

Part 4: A Unique Display Case

This last part in the series was the most challenging, and the most interesting. They wanted a display case large enough for a human to enter and turn around and be visible from 3 sides. Sometimes that person would be standing on a base that rotated and was 24 inches wide, but not always. With a little head-scratching, I came up with this: Initial drawing for the display box It would change a little as I went, but it stayed pretty faithful to that initial premise. My first issue was that, like all the other dungeon projects, it had to...

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Part 3: A Pillory

Posted by on Nov 26, 2024 in Dungeon furniture | Comments Off on Part 3: A Pillory

Part 3: A Pillory

Now things start to get really interesting, in a medieval way. Centuries ago, lesser offenses were considered unworthy of jail time; instead the miscreant was put on display and the general public invited to insult, abuse, and otherwise make their lives miserable for a few hours (or longer). All kinds of devices were used for this, but the most recognizable of these were probably stocks (also called a yoke) that fit and locked around someone’s neck and wrists, or possibly ankles and wrists. When these devices were mounted on a fixed...

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Part 2: Spanking Benches

Posted by on Nov 19, 2024 in Dungeon furniture | Comments Off on Part 2: Spanking Benches

Part 2:  Spanking Benches

Once I had the crosses done, I moved on to the next item, which was two spanking benches. I ended up doing two different styles on this, one bench for “normal size” and smaller people and one for larger people. Smaller bench Initial drawing of the small bench The smaller bench is designed to fold up so it can be easily stored and carried. The “victim” kneels on the step at the front, folds their body over the top, and is secured by the wrists to the stock at the bottom. I had a photo of a real working bench to start...

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Part 1: Crosses

Posted by on Nov 13, 2024 in Dungeon furniture | Comments Off on Part 1: Crosses

Part 1:  Crosses

First up was the pair of St. Andrew’s crosses, which are normally pretty straightforward. I looked at a lot of designs online, and the first thing that struck me is … well, they are almost all made out of ugly construction timbers. Heavy, plastered in polyurethane, and not at all pleasant to look at, but certainly plenty strong. I figured we could do better, and make it break down into pieces under 5 feet long so it could be transported in a car. I did find a set of plans for inspiration, but I deviated from them a lot as I went...

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