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Shop Update 2020

I haven’t done one of these in a couple of years, but things are very different now.

The new CNC Router.

Here is the home of my CNC router, a Next Wave Automation CNC-Shark II. I haven’t got this really organized yet; I’m still figuring out the best way to do that. It did cost me some of the lumber storage, but I think it’s a worthwhile trade.

The CNC is used primarily to make patterns, which I then use with the router to batch out multiple identical parts. I’ve also made small projects on it, like cutting boards. It’s not big enough to take over a large part of the work, but it does do a nice job for those tasks.

The main area of the shop.
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Here is the main area, where the most change has come. I bought the new SawStop in September, which led to me needing a new outfeed table and storage. I built a short cabinet for under the router table as well, but it basically is just a smaller version of the under-table one here. The old outfeed is too tall; for now, it’s a tool chest, but I may get rid of it — it’s in the way a lot. And yes, I still have two router tables, and that will probably stay that way unless I become convinced I don’t need them both.

The back wall area.

In the back, I have a new clamp rack which, if I’m honest, is a tiny bit too high — I have to stretch to get clamps off it and put them back. And just visible on the “down” side of the Flipsie, you might notice a different spindle sander. My original died, so I replaced it with a Grizzly G0723.

So, that’s the shop these days. I will probably replace the dust collector soon, as it isn’t quite up to the task of cleaning up the table saw or router table, and I may do a couple of improvements to the old router table along those lines too. But first, I have a dresser and a chest of drawers to build. Stay tuned for that.

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