Posted by on Dec 6, 2015 in Shop | Comments Off on Shop Update 2015

Shop Update 2015

The blog is now two years old, as WordPress kindly reminded me last week.  Time to update the shop photos.

Latest shop photos, as of 11/30/15.

Latest shop photos, as of 11/30/15.

Things aren’t that different from last year in the main working area.  The new router table is working out nicely and the storage above is just what I needed for finishes and related supplies.  The biggest change in the middle photo is the replacement of the old plywood tabletop from my knock-down table with the aluminum and HDPE tabletop.

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At this point I’m not planning any major upgrades.  I need to put some thought into a better clamp storage system, as my old wooden clamp rack is starting to bow under the weight of the clamps on it and I have more than will actually fit there.  And I will probably add some more anti-fatigue mats around the knockdown table, which I almost never knock down.  We’ll see what else the year brings.


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