Posted by on Aug 22, 2020 in Shop, Tools | Comments Off on Upgrade time

Upgrade time

I’ve had my Delta 34-444 Contractor’s Saw for something like 25 years. I bought it with the original Jetlock fence (30 inch), metal stand, stamped steel extension wings.

Over time it developed into the core of my workshop. I upgraded the fence to a Vegas 50-inch model; built a base cabinet to store … well, lots of things; put a router table on the left side because that made sense to me — apparently I’m in the minority on that; closed off the back to improve dust collection. It’s served me well, and may serve someone else next. But I’ve ordered a replacement:

sawstop image
About what my new saw will look like, courtesy of SawStop’s website

Yup, I ordered a SawStop today. It’s only mild upgrade in horsepower, because I only have 120V in my shop, but it’s a huge step up in almost every other department. Safety, of course, first of all — I’m paying the premium for that SawStop flesh-sensing technology and hoping I never need it. But if it was a mediocre saw with that one feature, I wouldn’t be doing this. By all accounts, it’s a superior saw in just about every other way too, not only to my old contractor’s saw but to just about every other saw under 3hp.

Yes, I’m getting a router table with it, and putting it on the left side. It adds, rather than subtracts, from my table length that way (this thing is 101 inches long with that addition) and having it on the left gives me a huge table to support long pieces without getting in the way of, well, sawing. This router table will have a lift and dust-collection box; I thought about just transplanting my Woodpecker’s lift, but I couldn’t be sure it would fit the box and plate. Maybe that means I have two router tables still; that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

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I’m looking forward to the dust collection improvements. I did buy the dust-collecting shroud for the blade, and as I said the dust box for the router; I’m still trying to envision how the hose hookups will work, especially above the saw table.

And of course the first projects will be a storage unit for under the table and an outfeed table for the back, because the SawStop is about 4 inches shorter than my current saw. Nothing I have will fit. So my next shop photo will be considerably different.

I’m excited to work with a cabinet saw, at last!

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