Campaign Guide




Near the center of the Great Sea sits the port city of Marhaven. Originally founded by Hendrick the Bronze on a tiny island, Marhaven is an independent free city that has become a mandatory stopping point for merchant ships of the sovereign nations.

The island itself was lost in a great tragedy long ago, but the solidly-built docks of the port remained afloat and became the basis of the rebuilt city. Today Marhaven is essentially a network of connected free-floating platforms held in place by a system of massive weights, chains, and powerful magic.

Commerce is the life blood of Marhaven. The two expansive dock areas play host to a constant stream of merchant ships that come and go at all hours of the day and sometimes night. Ships load and unload cargo, using the extensive warehouse space for storage of trade goods. A bustling and thriving commerce district supports merchants, traders and craftsmen of all descriptions. All of the major trade guilds have a Marhaven chapter and plenty of members. The shipwrights of Marhaven are among the elite of their profession, producing ships that are in great demand worldwide. And of course the nature of the city attracts all manner of adventurers, explorers and seekers of fortune.

Marhaven is officially run by a Lord Mayor and a City Council. The makeup of the council is carefully designed to balance the power of the merchant guilds. Each guild organizes and controls one or more lines of business and the guilds are constantly engaged in covert games to maintain and grow their respective shares of power.

Aside from the usual political infighting, Marhaven has many of the problems and challenges one might expect of a large independent port city. Overcrowding is a constant concern; the city has undergone three major expansions in its relatively short history. Because of the ever-present threat of piracy Marhaven maintains a well-equipped navy to patrol the city perimeter and protect the shipping lanes. Deep sea creatures can threaten the physical safety of the floating city and intelligent aquatic races can be as challenging to coexist with as the sovereign nations of the surrounding mainlands. Marhaven has long maintained neutrality in the face of the various conflicts of its neighbors, a policy that has allowed it to stay independent for most of its history but can annoy those seeking to use Marhaven as a launch point for hostilities.

For the adventurer Marhaven has much to offer. Its high transient population means that every race and profession is represented to some degree. Being located at the nexus of the shipping lanes makes it possible to catch a ride to just about anywhere on short notice, either by parting with a little gold or by bartering some honest labor. Rich patrons looking to hire an adventuring party know that they can find many such groups in Marhaven, so opportunities for new challenges are plentiful. As heroes grow in power and ability the city's merchants and craftsmen can supply almost any desire or need for equipment, magic, training and knowledge.

One downside to living in Marhaven is the high cost of living. Housing space is necessarily precious despite several organized expansions. Virtually all common goods have to be shipped in from the surrounding nations, resulting in higher costs for food (aside from seafood), clothing and basic goods. Merchants know that aside from each other the nearest competition is 200 miles away by sea, and their prices often reflect this.


Story Arc

The party will begin by adventuring within the city of Marhaven, handling minor assignments from the powers in town. As the party increases in power and reputation they will establish a base and become a recognized force in the city.

At middle levels the group will begin to explore the world around and below Marhaven, facing pirates and sea creatures and possibly rival adventuring parties. Extended adventures in the more extreme climes will be available, providing new experiences for the group as you advance through the upper middle levels.

By the high levels the party will be well known and powerful enough to take an active role in major adventures like exploring lost cities, seeking out ancient artifacts, and halting the schemes of major villians. The party may ultimately be the deciding factor in a global war.



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