The Outside World
Marhaven sits in the middle of a much larger world. This section describes basic information that any reasonably educated Marhaven resident would have about the surrounding nations and lands.
Geographic Regions and Features
The grand continent Arthania comprises all of the lands west of the Great Sea. It features an expansive desert which is home to the Saurian Alliance. Other principle nations of Arthania include the horse realms of Hestmark, Corusk, and the Kron Highlands, Nessen, and the Jade Islands.
Oceanus is the great land mass to the east of the Great Sea. The nations of Noordia, Belain, Mohlarcan , and the elven kingdom of Aelhandra are the primary powers. Oceanus is also home to the totem tribes of Ursair, the Tumari Coalition, and the savage tribes that inhabit the Swamps of Tierthas.
The Moonlands
On the northern shores of the Great Sea, stretching between the two grand continents, lie the Moonlands. Part cold swamp, part woods, part hills, the Moonlands is an unsettled and uncivilized place populated by strange man-beasts and, if rumors be believed, dragonkind.
The Frozen Realm
North of the Moonlands is a frozen wasteland of ice and snow. The Jarl, leader of the frost giant clans, claims lordship over most of that territory and exacts tribute from the barbarian tribes that live there. Mapmakers are unsure exactly how much of the “land” in the Frozen Realm is ground and how much is a thick crust of ice over water.
The Great Sea
The Great Sea spans the area between Arthania and Oceanus. Its depth varies from a few hundred feet near the shores of the continents to many miles at its northern and southern basins. All manner of salt water species are found in abundance. Chief among the intelligent species of the sea are the aquatic elves and merfolk but the murky depths conceal a far greater variety of species that remain largely unknown unless they choose to reveal themselves.
The hostile desert that spans the middle of Arthania has been called Sauria for so long that none remember where the name originated or what it means. A surprising variety of life exists in that land, all of it adapted to the harsh conditions. The Saurian Alliance claims sovereignty over the desert but it is well known that they are far from its only residents. Fire giants have been seen atop the highest mesas, and travelers who brave the brutal conditions tell stories of intelligent worm-like predators that live beneath the sand.
Karthelian Mountains
The Karthelian mountain range effectively divides Oceanus into sections. In ancient times they formed a barrier that protected the elven folk of the Aelhandran Forest from the warrior clans of Noordia and the savage species of the southern swamps. Better relations between the two nations led to the discovery of robust populations who call the mountains their home. Raptorans thrive on the perimeter facing the Aelhandran, using the sheer cliffs that overlook the woodlands. Entire cities of dwarves are carved into the middle ranges where precious stones and valuable metals run in wide veins through the rock. Rumors tell
of a vast underground dungeon complex deep beneath the Karthelians brimming with rich treasures and fearsome guardians. Goliaths wander the highest reaches, sharing space with more giants, and the lofty Mirikirthos Peaks are said to be home to entire clans of ancient dragons.
Mirikirthos Peaks
The northern arm of the Karthelians, where the peaks are so high that a strong man may gasp for breath from the exertion of walking, are the Mirikirthos Peaks. The highest points in the Karthelian Mountains, legend says that the Peaks are home to the largest, oldest, and most powerful dragons. Those who have ventured into the Peaks tell of a haunting, magical sort of singing sound made when the wind passes through the upper reaches.
Aelhandran Forest
Cradled on three sides by the Karthelian Mountains, Aelhandra is the ancestral home of the elven folk of this world. Though their free nature prevents them from asserting authority, virtually all other woodland peoples acknowledge the elves as the landlords of the wood.
Swamps of Tierthas
Much of Oceanus south of the Crystal Lake is marsh land. Some humans populate the area, but most of the swamps are held by various tribes of lizardfolk and related species.
The pine forests of northwestern Arthania are home to the deep woods folk, including elves and fey. Corivan’s de facto monarch is Corlea Urthvannon, a 500-year-old archmage of untold power and legendary beauty.
Kyrthul Jungle
The steamy, dense jungle at the southwest of Arthania is home to numerous savage humanoid tribes, chief among them the kobold tribes. After a generation or two of disastrous defeats at the hands of the warmages of Nessen, these tribes have learned to respect the eastern border but ships who venture too close to the jungle are at great risk from savage pirates.
Sovereign Nations
Theocracy (LG)
Leader: His Divine Grace, the ArchCleric of Belain (name not used)
Races: Human
Belain is a religious nation dedicated to the worship and reverence of Belain, a local god of honor and virtue. It is governed exclusively by the ArchCleric of Belain, religious leader of the Church. All citizens are required to belong to the Church of Belain. Outsiders, defined as those who are not Church members, are welcomed so long as they abide by the moral code of the Church which emphasizes the virtues of honor, honesty, loyalty, hospitality, justice, and courage. Those who violate the code or speak out against the Church or its doctrines are apprehended by the Paladins of Belain and receive justice according to the severity of their transgressions. While that justice can be unforgiving at times, Belain is considered a good neighbor by the elves of Aelhandra and the Noordians to the north.
Hereditary Monarchy (CG/NG)
Leader: His Royal Highness, King Heilan II
Races: Human, some halfling, some elf
The horsemen of Corusk are world famous for their mounted combat skills. Frequent friendly competitions with the horsemen of neighboring Hestmark and the Kron Highlands keep all of the nations' forces in peak fighting condition. Given the horse realms' location adjoining the Moonlands and the Frozen Realm, this is a matter of practicality as much as national pride.
Deep Elandrin
Assumed to be a monarchy (CG/CN)
Leader: unknown
Races: Elf (aquatic)
Few air-breathing people know the location of Deep Elandrin, the great city of the aquatic elves. It is certain to be somewhere between the two basins of the Great Sea but the water elves do not share the secret often, having learned much from observing the warlike nature of the surface peoples. A loose alliance exists between Deep Elandrin and the people of Marhaven, which partly explains the large aquatic elf population in and below the city.
Colony (CE/NE/LE)
Leader: Aidan Seacrest, Warden
Population: Human, half-orc, some goblinoid, some other
Not technically a nation at all, the island of Eldmoor is a prison colony shared and jointly managed by the sovereign states of Hestmark, Corusk, Belain, and Noordia. Inmates of Eldmoor work to support themselves and to produce goods that are sold in the marketplaces to fund the prison’s upkeep. Each prisoner receives an indelible brand on the right side of the neck upon sentencing to Eldmoor and another on the left upon release. Escaped prisoners, as identified by the lack of a second brand, are not protected by any law and can be captured, killed, or forced into servitude by any citizen. That policy, and the school of dire sharks trained to patrol the waters surrounding the island, have made escape attempts extremely rare.
Constitutional Monarchy (CG/NG)
Leader: His Royal Highness, King Rohm
Population: Human, elf, some halfling
The western horse realm of Hestmark prides itself on its cavalry and archers. Strongly allied with neighboring Corusk and the Kron Highlands, Hestmark is a respected nation that remains ever ready to provide assistance to its allies. The Riders of Hestmark are on friendly terms with the elven folk of Corivan, the pine forest that borders their land.
Jade Islands
Absolute Monarchy (LG/LN)
Leader: Supreme Lord and Emperor, the Immortal One
Population: Human
Stretching eastward from the southern end of Arthania, the Jade Islands are home to a highly structured feudal society. Each village is ruled by one of seven appointed shoguns. Each shogun maintains a force of samurai, some of which act as local police and some who serve the national militia. The seven shoguns swear upon their lives to serve the nation’s mysterious Emporer, a secretive ruler who is seldom seen by his people and who is said to be immortal.
Kron Highlands
Democratic Republic (NG/CG)
Leader: Lady Garla Swiftstroke, High Marshall of Kron
Races: Halfling, gnome, some human.
Nestled between the mountains of the Frozen Realm and the pine forests of Corivan, the Kron Highlands form the third of the horse realms. Elite companies of halfling outriders and gnome deepwood snipers compete regularly with the human riders and archers of the Highlands' southern neighbors in their games. They are friendly with the elves of Corivan, but constantly vigilant for signs of incursions from the northern mountains.
Tyranny (LE)
Leader: the Magus (identity unknown)
Races: orc, goblinoid, tiefling
On the eastern edge of Oceanus, along the far side of the Karthelian mountain range, lies Mohlarcan, the Land of the Dark Mage. The titular head is a secretive figure known as the Magus who rules from his stronghold of Loethgard. Those who have dared to pass through this land tell of a population of orcs and goblinoids laboring under oppressive tiefling masters, and of cave complexes infested with undead and worse horrors. The shores of this fell land are said to be guarded by crazed elementals and monsters of the deep.
Parliamentary Republic (LN/N)
Leader: Her Excellency Athena Valleith, Senate Chancellor
Races: Human, illumian, few other
A nation of scholars and arcanists, Nessen’s great libraries are said to hold accounts of the birth of nearly every other nation in Arthania and much of Oceanus. While the studious, dispassionate nature of the Nessenese people can be frustrating to their more warlike neighbors, Nessen is a staunch ally and swift to send help when it is truly needed. Such help often takes the form of engineers and craftsmen to relieve the effects of disasters or rebuild war-ravaged cities. Those who write off Nessen as a nation of pacifist bookworms are sadly mistaken, however; when called to arms, the warmages of Nessen are possibly the most lethal force on land or sea.
Hereditary Monarchy (NG/CG)
Leader: Hendrick III, Supreme Champion and King of Noordia
Races: Human, half-orc, few other
The largest nation of Oceanus is Noordia, one of the oldest powers in the world. The warrior clans of Noordia are famous for their bloody and violent history. In the time of King Oldren Stonefist the Noordian Empire covered all of Oceanus south of the Frozen Realms. After Oldren was slain by the usurper Orthos, the kingdom's hold on its conquered nations loosened. One by one the provinces gained independence until only the original Noordian lands remained. The current king is Hendrick III, a descendant of the line of Hendrick the Bronze. The histories of Noordia and Marhaven are closely connected, resulting in strong cultural and political ties between the two entities.
Saurian Alliance
Autocracy/Sultanate (LN/LE/N)
Leader: Salateen Al-Qumar, Supreme Sultan
Races: Asherati, buka, human, many other
The forbidding environment of Sauria hosts a surprising array of life, most notably the asherati, the buka, and the badland dwarves. The tribes formed by these humanoids join together for mutual defense and survival and are collectively called the Saurian Alliance. Each of the tribes is led by an Emir, who together form the Council of the Alliance. That council of Emirs is led by the Supreme Sultan. The current Sultan is a buka druid of legendary power and stature.
Tor Goldur
Patriarchy (LG/LN)
Leader: Turum Silverhelm, Elder Lord
Races: Dwarf
The famous mining city of the dwarves, Tol Goldur is the cultural capital of the dwarf kingdom. The city itself is a complex of apartments, streets and other structures carved out of the living mountains above the mines. A good percentage of the minerals and gems mined from Tor Goldur end up for sale in Marhaven or the other capitals of the world.
Tumari Coalition
Commonwealth (CN)
Leader: no official head of state
Races: Human, some half-orc, few other
The Treaty of Graebel formally dissolved the irredeemably corrupt monarchy of Tumari a half-century ago, creating instead a confederation of free and independent city states known collectively as the Tumari Coalition. While each city state considers itself a separate political entity, the Coalition maintains unified military and diplomatic organizations whose actions are directed by a committee composed of delegates from the member city states.
Tribal (CG)
Leader: Each totem tribe has a Warrior Chief and a Shaman Leader.
Races: Human, half-orc, few orc/goblinoid
The totem warriors of Ursair roam the land between Mohlarcan and the swamps of Tierthas. Similar in temperament to the warrior clans of Noordia, the tribes of Ursair augment their martial prowess with mystical powers gained from their dedication to tribal totem animals. The tribes provide a needed barrier against the evil forces of the Magus. The tribes constantly watch the northern border from towers built into the Wall of Vigilance.
Other Powers
Nations and city states are not the only players in the world political arena. Several organizations exist that are independent of any nation, race, or location. Their influence varies from place to place but they are almost always a force to be reckoned with.
The Ironprow League
An organization of pirates and mercenaries, the Ironprow League gets its name from the standard armament of its ships: an extended prow fashioned from iron and used to devastating effect against ships who fail to yield when challenged. Ironprow captains are said to be ruthless and hard; to resist a raid from an Ironprow is to invite death by drowning. The League was founded in 1097 by the legendary pirate Grogan Ironjaw, who is still Supreme Commodore of the Fleet. The League reportedly has a hidden base in the sheer cliffs that form the coastline east of Sauria.
The Fell Armada
More a loose affiliation of pirate crews than an actual organization, the Fell Armada is feared for its captains’ tendency to attack by night and take hostages as well as goods from the victim ships. Ships of the Fell Armada are invariably stained black, fly blood-red sails and, the stories tell, can outrun any prey. Some claim that the pirates of the Fell Armada are part demon. True or not, the Armada’s fearsome reputation is enough to subdue many crews before a single weapon is loosed. Their base is said to be in the cold marshes of the Moonlands.
Servants of the Beast Below
Deep below the known bottom of the Great Sea, a creature more powerful and wise than the oldest dragons and more deadly than the largest kraken sleeps and dreams of the day it will arise and take its rightful place as supreme ruler of the world. This is the firm belief of a secret society known as the Servants of the Beast Below. The Servants worship their unnamed monstrous deity now in hopes of receiving mercy and power when the creature arises. Composed primarily of lizardfolk, goblinoids, yuan-ti and similar savage humanoids, the Servants seek to undermine the agenda of land peoples whenever possible so as to make it easier for the Beast to take over. They have been known to sink ships and spoil goods, sometimes under the guise of pirates. They prefer to promote chaos indirectly through manipulation of others. Their reputation with established authorities is that of a nuisance more than a credible threat to any stable government.
Society of the Mindful
In almost every community of any significant size there are those who are blessed, or cursed, with latent psionic talent. The Society of the Mindful seeks these people out and offers them the training to convert that latent ability into useful skills. For established psions, psychic warriors and related psionic classes the Society provides advanced training, short-term lodging and healing services, and research facilities. The Society also provides shelter and protection for psionics who are persecuted by religious zealots or those who are afraid of the power psionics wield and has been known to move against psions who they deem to be abusing their power.
Merchant and Trade Guilds
The merchant and trade guilds are powerful political forces in all lands that conduct commerce. The guilds collect dues from their members and use that money to further the goals of the guild. Typical guild activities include lobbying governments to reduce trade barriers and tariffs for their own goods and services (or increase them on competing ones), negotiating wages for blocks of laborers with a single employer, hiring ships and crews to transport goods across the sea, and hiring adventurers to defend shipments or investigate questionable incidents. Several of the larger guilds have their own spies and thugs to keep an eye on the competition and ensure that bad things happen to those who decline to join the guild.
Trade guilds provide various services to their members in addition to the political activity. The Mage’s Guild, for instance, offers members access to spell libraries, research and laboratory facilities, magic item identification, and discounts on material components and minor magic items made by members. The Adventurer’s Guild matches up member adventurers and parties with those seeking the adventurers’ services and, in the larger cities, is able to provide healing services, armor/weapon repair, maps, guides, and other essential services.
Nearly every settlement of any size at all has at least one thieves’ guild. Most are small, independent operations run by local thugs and rogues. A few are more organized and specialize in specific areas of crime, such as assassinations or smuggling.
World Politics
The political landscape has been fairly stable for some time now. The major power blocks are:
Noordia, Belain, and Ursair: The warrior nation of Noordia keeps its own counsel on most issues, but by virtue of its reputation and strength it represents a major power. Ursair and Belain consistently cast their lots with Noordia in times of strain or uncertainty. This group sees itself as the primary defenders against the spread of evil, defined as the machinations of Mohlarcan and the Saurian Alliance.
Nessen and the Jade Islands: These two neighboring powers share a dedication to order and discipline, be it martial or intellectual, that results in a strong bond. Both are generally reluctant to insert themselves into the affairs of other nations, but when they do it is with full commitment to maintaining or establishing order.
The Horse Realms (Hestmark, Corusk, Kron Highlands): These nations are united by their love of freedom and their fondness for the fast-paced, highly demanding art of mounted combat. In world affairs they almost always act as one and generally take the position that best promotes personal freedom.
The Saurian Alliance: The desert tribes of Sauria are united under one Supreme Sultan. They act almost entirely out of self interest and only occasionally engage in discourse with other nations. This attitude engenders a vague sort of mistrust from the other blocks.
There is no official forum for international meetings, so the political actions of the power blocks generally take the form of proclamations delivered by messenger to the parties involved or military action. Occasionally, when circumstances demand a meeting of heads of state, Marhaven serves as neutral ground.
Current sources of international tension include:
- Conditions in Mohlarcan: Occasionally a handful of orcs will manage to cross the Black River and throw themselves at the base of the Wall of Vigilance seeking asylum in Ursair. The tales they tell of brutal, sadistic treatment at the hands of their tiefling masters prompt outrage from the totem tribes, but even the bold warrior nations hesitate to launch an invasion of Mohlarcan without strong worldwide backing. The fact that Nessen has so far declined to support a move against the Magus has led to a chilling of relations between Nessen and the warrior states of Oceanus.
- Sauria/Hestmark conflict: Generations of bad blood between Hestmark and the Saurian Alliance has escalated in recent years. Border townships of Hestmark have complained of raiding parties from the desert who steal livestock, especially horses, and slay innocent townspeople who try to protect their property. The Emir claims the stories are fabricated and that it is Hestmark who enters the desert and steals scarce resources from its native people.
- State sponsored piracy: Several nations, including Nessen, Noordia, Belain, and the Saurian Alliance, are suffering from an increase in high seas piracy. Increasingly, blame for harboring the pirates is falling on the Tumari Coalition. The offended nations charge that Tumari’s lack of a central government to enforce borders makes it an easy place for pirates to hide and resupply and are pressuring the Coalition to increase its military presence on its own shores. The Coalition denies any complicity with pirates but cannot refute the idea that there may be illicit ports along its under policed coastline.
- Pirate rivalry: Among outlaws there is plenty of room for discord. Currently the Ironprow League and the Fell Armada seem to have reached a state of open war with each other. A Saurian trade ship docking at Marhaven recently reported that an Ironprow cutter had broken off an attack on the Saurian ship to engage an Armada vessel that was headed in a different direction. The free states are divided over whether this is a problem that requires intervention or one best left to solve itself.