Campaign Notebook

The Arm of Telomir


When Group 2 explored the ruins of a darfellan settlement they encountered a lone darfellan, Athesto, surviving amidst the remains of the invading sahaugin forces. With Athesto and Vondran leading the way, the party routed the remaining sahaugin from the settlement (The Hunted). Athesto, who then revealed himself to be a juvenile bronze dragon, gave Vondran the gift of a beautiful silver and bone harpoon that Athesto had found among the treasures of the settlement. The harpoon radiates strong magic, but the only benefit Athesto had found to that point was a mere +1 enhancement.

From the darfellan names carved into the bone shaft, an exotic weapons dealer in Corsuhn was able to identify the weapon as the Arm of Telomir, the famous weapon of a legendary darfellan hunter and warrior.

Telomir began as a young darfellan fighter who lived in a typical darfellan settlement about two centuries ago. The son of a clan chieftain, Telomir loved to hunt. His skill as a hunter, even as a young man, earned him the deep respect of his entire clan. At Telomir's coming of age ceremony, the elders of his clan presented the young man with a very special harpoon. It was crafted by an elven master weaponsmith and features a blade of hardened silver with a coral and bone shaft and a fine silver chain in place of the usual rope.

When his home settlement was destroyed by sahaugin, Telomir dedicated himself to avenging the slaughter. His harpoon became known as the Arm of Telomir, and it was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of sahaugin before Telomir himself finally fell in the act of slaying the sahaugin king. After Telomir's death the weapon vanished from history. No record of it being seen or used exists, that is known of so far, until Athesto found it in a darfellan settlement off the Tumari coast.

The Arm of Telomir is a weapon of legacy. In order to unlock its powers and abilities, Vondran will have to complete a series of rituals over the course of his career. He recently paid a wizard to cast Legend Lore and learned from that spell what the first ritual is.


Least Legacy Ritual: Remembrance of the Fallen

To unlock the Least Legacy powers of the Arm of Telomir, Vondran had to journey to the location of a destroyed darfellan settlement and erect a monument to the slain people of the settlement, using materials with a minimum cost of 2000gp (Remembrance of the Fallen). Upon successful completion of this ritual the Arm of Telomir gained its first legacy power. It continues to gain power as Vondran advences in level.

Legacy Powers

  • +2 monstrous aquatic humanoid bane harpoon. Normally the Arm of Telomir acts as a +2 harpoon. When wielded against a monstrous aquatic humanoid (such as sahaugin), the Arm is a +4 harpoon and deals an additional 2d6 of damage on a successful hit. The 2d6 additional damage does not figure into the target's Reflex save against the harpoon getting stuck and is not applied again when/if the harpoon is pulled from the wound.
  • Know Your Enemy. By concentrating for 1 standard action, the wielder of the Arm of Telomir can sense the presence of monstrous aquatic humanoids within 60 feet. This power conveys the approximate number of such creatures in the area but no specifics as to location or direction. The wielder ignores any damage reduction a monstrous aquatic humanoid may have when attacking with the Arm of Telomir.
  • Fearsome Presence. Three times per day on command, the wielder of the Arm of Telomir can use cause fear as the spell. The save DC is 11 or 10 + the wielder's Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.
  • Hunt by Night. Once per day on command, the wielder of the Arm of Telomire can use darkness as the spell (caster level equal to the wielder's character level).
  • Deep Stalker. As long as the Arm of Telomir remains in his possession, Vondran has water breathing as a continuous spell-like ability.


Lesser Legacy Ritual: Fury of the Hunter

Upon reaching 12th level, Vondran again had to perform a ritual to unlock the further powers of the Arm of Telomir. This time he was required to lead a party into battle against a more powerful group of aquatic monstrous humanoids. His first attempt to meet these requirements failed when he did not lead the party against the sahuagin forces led by Icthicalia (Fury of the Hunter). However, fate was kind enough to place him at the forefront when a darfellan settlement contacted the party begging their help with an underground danger (A Cry For Help). Since kuo-toa are also monstrous aquatic humanoids, the requirements of the legacy weapon have been met and the Arm of Telomir will continue to grow in power.

Additional Legacy Powers

  • Shining Vengeance. Once per day, Vondran can use the Arm of Telomir to shed daylight as the spell.
  • +3 monstrous aquatic humanoid bane harpoon. At 13th level the standard bonus of the Arm of Telomir increased to +3.
  • Predator's Instinct. As long as the Arm of Telomir is in his possession, Vondran is never considered flat-footed.






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