Campaign Notebook

Magic Items

Some of the magic items found by the parties are unique items not found in the standard texts.


Chess board

From: The Island of Castanamir

This solid marble chess board is hinged in the center so that it can fold in half and is 24 inches square when unfolded. It came with two sets of finely wrought chess pieces, a gold set and a silver set. The board is magical; the pieces are merely valuable and beautiful.

When the pieces are set on the board and a player seated at one end, the pieces for the opposing side will be moved as if by an unseen servant that plays at a level just a little above that of the person playing. Anyone who spends 40 hours playing chess in this manner inside of a month will permanently gain 1 point of Intelligence. A person may only benefit from the board once in his/her lifetime, and the board can only be used in this manner by one person at a time. It is not necessary to use the gold and silver pieces found with the board; any set of chess pieces will do.

(This item was discovered before Group 1 divided into two groups; it remains the joint property of Aria, Pendrul, Quinn, Strontium, Uiq and W'Illot. Once they have all had the use of it the board will be sold.)


Daneth's Gloves

From: Follow the Money

Daneth Eriskan was an aventi monk who taught his pupils to adapt to the unexpected. After recovering the stolen spellbooks of a Nessenese archmage, he received as a gift from the mage a set of soft leathery gloves with powers to complement the monk's philosophy. Through the years various others have duplicated the formula for these famous gloves, but they always retain the same properties.

A lawful good monk who wears Daneth's Gloves gains the following benefits:

  • +2 on all attack and damage rolls for unarmed strikes, including flurry of blows
  • Adaptive Flurry: When executing a flurry of blows, each blow after the first gains a +2 adjustment bonus on the attack roll for each consecutive previous blow that failed to hit. (Example: the first blow is at +2; if that misses, the second is at +4; if that also misses the third blow is at +6; etc.) The attack bonus resets to +2 upon a successful hit and only applies to attacks against the same opponent.
  • Adaptive Strike: When you hit an opponent with your unarmed strike and the damage is reduced by damage reduction, the gloves adapt to take on the property necessary to overcome that damage reduction. For instance, if you hit a creature with DR10/silver the gloves adapt so that subsequent attacks are treated as if made with a silver weapon. If the opponent's DR requires multiple properties to overcome (ie, DR10/cold iron + good) the gloves take on one property with each hit until they have fully adapted. The adaptation lasts until the end of that encounter or until you hit an opponent with different DR properties (which causes the gloves to adapt to that opponent).

(This item was left at the Central Bank of Nessen for Aria; exactly why, and by whom, is unknown at this time.)

The Galadiir

From: Ghosts of Aniel

A glossy black gemstone enscribed with mysterious runes. The galadiir was an heirloom kept by the family of Revan, an elven wizard from the village of Aniel. According to the village elders, the stone was once used to imprison an evil god and was entrusted to Revan's family for safekeeping in case its power should be needed again. Along with the stone was an extremely old scroll written in a so-far unrecognized language.

In the adventure Ghosts of Aniel, Group 1 discovered that the galadiir had the power to grant wishes. They used the stone's last wish to rescue the villagers, who were stranded on the ethereal plane. It is now an ancient, valuable, but non-magical stone of unknown origins.

The galadiir was placed in the hands of Tideborn Cabal for research. With Group 1 no longer active, the cabal continues to hold the gem for historical and research purposes.


Gills of Hamachi

From: Unholy Alliance

Named for a renouned cleric from the Jade Islands, the Gills of Hamachi is a magic item greatly prized by those who adventure in and around the sea. It appears to be a bright metal choker with a mithral clasp bearing an ancient rune for 'breath'. When worn around the neck, the Gills give the wearer the ability to breathe air or water interchangeably.

Moderate transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing, air breathing; price 7500gp, weight negligible. (Name taken from a similar item in the Warner Brothers animated TV series Xiaolin Showdown.)


Leopold's Metamagic Vest

From: the body of Leopold, with Nedrick's blessing (Trouble Brewing)

Leopold's Metamagic Vest appears at first to be a simple, though well-crafted, leather vest of the type worn by commoners and tradesmen of moderate means. Three times per day, as an immediate action, the wearer can cause the next spell that affects him/her to be altered by one of the following metamagic feats:

  • Maximize Spell -- all numeric variables of the spell take the maximum value for purposes of their affect on the wearer.
  • Minimize Spell -- all numeric variables of the spell take their minimum possible values for purposes of the affect on the wearer.
  • Extend Spell -- the duration of the spell is doubled for the wearer of the vest

Only one metamagic affect can be applied at one time, and the metamagic affect applies only to the wearer of the Vest. All normal limitations of metamagic feats apply (ie, Extend is useless for a spell with a duration of Instantaneous). The Minimize Spell function does work on a Maximized or Empowered spell, so a Maximized 6d6 fireball can be reduced to 6hp (or 3hp on a successful save) by the Vest.


Lesser Ring of Regeneration

From: the body of the Chimera mage (Strange Brew) (Custom item)

This ring causes the wearer to heal damage at an accelerated rate. If the wearer has taken nonlethal damage, it heals at a rate of 1 hit point per level each five minutes. Lethal damage heals at a rate of 1hp per level per hour. If the wearer has taken ability damage, that heals at a rate of 1 point of ability damage per hour.

If the wearer has sustained multiple types of damage, the ring heals only one type at a time. Nonlethal damage heals first, followed by lethal hit point damage, followed by ability score damage.

(Faint conjuration; CL12, cure light wounds, lesser restoration; price 30,000gp)


Light Bee

From: Mercurio (purchased)

This small translucent crystal radiates faint Conjuration magic. To activate the bee, the wielder holds it in one hand and speaks the command word (typically 'illuminate'). The bee then glows with the intensity of a sunrod (bright illumination in a 30 foot radius, shadowy illumination in a 60 foot radius) and floats 6-12 inches above the user's head until deactivated by grabbing the bee and putting it away.

A light bee subject to a dispel magic affect, including an antimagic field, goes dark and falls to the ground. It cannot be activated again for 1d4 rounds or until the antimagic field/dispel magic affect ends, after which time it operates normally.

Cost: 1500gp. Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, light, levitate.

Rod of Health

From: Nedrick (Trouble Brewing)

Affectionately known as the Ronco Pocket Cleric, this shiny platinum rod can be used by anyone. It is able to produce the following magical effects three times each per day:

  • Cure serious wounds (caster level 7, heals 3d8+7hp damage)
  • Heal
  • Remove curse
  • Neutralize poison
  • Cure disease


From: The Island of Castanamir

This gold sextant radiates conjuration magic. Using the sextant in conjunction with any Knowledge (Geography) check involving navigation of a ship grants the user a +10 competence bonus. The user must have at least one rank in Knowledge (Geography) to benefit from the sextant's bonus.




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