The Marhaven Crier
Posted on public bulletin boards located throughout the city, the Marhave Crier seeks to inform citizens about important events taking place in the city and, sometimes, in the world beyond Marhaven's docks. It is a private undertaking run by Nials Toulon, a private citizen who enjoys a friendly relationship with Lord Mayor Ander but has no position in the government. The Crier is supported financially by advertisements posted on its bulletin boards. Toulon employs only a small staff and writes most of the stories himself from information brought to him by sources all over town. He pays modestly for good tips and is known at just about every inn and public house in the city. As new issues of the Crier are published they will be summarized here for the players' reference.
28 Mostan 1120 Disharmony over Harmony -- The debate rages in the city council over a sharp increase in violent behavior that seems to be linked to a drop-off in supply of the recreational drug Harmony. Street merchants and shopkeepers who have been unable to resupply have found their shops and carts ransacked by customers who grow violent and irrational when told there is none of the drug to be had. This trend lends credence to concerns expressed by the Church of Freya about the addictive nature of Harmony. Why the drug, which became wildly popular in some regions but had only begun to catch on in Marhaven, has suddenly become so scarce is not yet clear.
28 Lochstan 1120 Epidemic at Eldmoor -- A spokesman for the Trustees of Eldmoor announced yesterday that the prison colony has suffered an outbreak of a virulent and deadly plague. Clerics and healers have been called in to tend the sick, but the spokesman said that many of the inmates have already succumbed to the sickness and could not be saved. Details are being withheld until the families of the plague victims can be contacted.
21 Lochstan 1120 Expansion Back On Track -- The long-awaited expansion of the Residence Sector took a step closer to reality yesterday as two new deck sections were floated. Master Shipwright Gaylord Windpiper pushed his crew not only to repair the section that was damaged by fire last month but to finish a second section at the same time. By floating both sections the expansion project has managed to catch up to the initial planned timeline. A spokesman for Lord Mayor Ander assures the public that proper security measures have been taken to protect the new decks.
14 Lochstan 1120 Expansion vandals caught -- A local adventuring party has captured two individuals involved in the near destruction of the new expansion deck earlier this week. The party, who call themselves the Black Sheep, captured the two suspects after clues led them to a seedy bar called the Dog's Watch. A violent battle in the bar, followed by a reckless chase through an older area of the trade sector, left four other suspects dead. The names of the alleged vandals have not been released, but sources in the city guard have confirmed that they are seakith and that they appear to be members of the Servants of the Beast Below, a fringe religious cult that has recently been linked to various acts of mayhem in the city. Church official alarmed about Harmony -- Archcleric Sebastian of the Church of Freya issued a warning yesterday to the citizens of Marhaven about the popular drug called Harmony. Sebastian, whose church runs the House of Healing, says that Harmony is highly addictive and if overused can cause permanent damage to the intellect. Harmony is currently sold in single-dose vials by various merchants and is popular with the lower and middle economic classes. The Church of Freya, citing the health affects and noting that the damage cannot be repaired even with restoration magic, is petitioning the City Council to ban the sale of Harmony in Marhaven.
9 Lochstan 1120 Fire devastates new housing deck -- The new expansion deck, which was floated just over a week ago to great applause from the community, was nearly destroyed last night by an unexplained fire. Flames were spotted on the underside of the deck about three hours after sunset. The fire spread so rapidly that by the time the fire watch arrived the entire deck was alight. Volunteer firemen saved the structure by cutting loose the pontoons on three sides and allowing the main part of the deck to sink temporarily into the sea. The remains of the deck will be returned to the temporary dry dock set up for construction so that damaged timbers can be replaced and the structure repaired. Master shipwright Gaylord Windpiper estimates that this will put the expansion about a month behind schedule. The shipwright had no answer for the question of how a newly-created deck, which should have been treated with the customary anti-fire magical protections, could be set ablaze in the first place.
7 Lochstan 1120 Trouble in the Jade Islands -- It appears that the first test of newly-installed shogun Mamoru Sakai will be to get control of his own province. Local noble Yoshiro Tamura, who was passed over in the selection process in favor of Sakai, did not attend the formal installation ceremony. Tamura and several dozen of his warriors have not taken a required oath of loyalty to the new shogun and risk serious censures as a result. Reports also say that the city of Tamurashi, named for the Tamura family that has governed it for generations, has closed its gates and no longer flies the national flag. Sakai is said to be preparing to take the city by force if necessary.
27 Fierdos 1120 First expansion deck floats -- Crews working on the Marhaven expansion celebrated yesterday as the first new deck section was floated into place on the edge of the housing sector. The 1.9 million square foot deck, once built up, will have enough housing units for over a thousand families. This is the first of three such decks planned for the housing sector in this expansion. Various community groups who have been actively promoting the expansion as a means of relieving the chronic overcrowding problems in the city were quick to praise Lord Mayor Ander and master shipwright Gaylord Windpiper for delivering the new deck on schedule as promised. New shogun named -- In the Jade Islands, a new shogun was named this week to replace the late Hideo Kamakura. The new man is Mamoru Sakai, a highly respected lieutenant to shogun Takagi and a nobleman from the western province. The announcement came as a surprise to many, as those informed about Jade Island politics were predicting the appointment of Kamakura's man Yoshiro Tamura. As with most acts of the Islands' mysterious Emperor, no explanation for the decision was offered. 21 Fierdos 1120 Marhaven celebrates -- Over 3,000 people turned out to honor the heroes of the Torchwood party, who earlier this month found and defeated all of the commanders of the Fell Armada. Lord Mayor Ander and his son Orin, returned for the occasion from his vacation in the Horse Realms, both gave speeches praising the valor of the heroes who put themselves at grave personal risk to save two villages in the Moonlands from savage captivity at the hands of the commanders. During the presentation the Lord Mayor awarded each of the heroes a platinum medallion and pronounced them citizens of Marhaven. City councilman Septimus Teag publicly proposed a cash reward from the city, but his colleagues were reluctant to offer immediate support for the idea, citing the amount of money currently tied up in the expansion project. Military leader dies in the Jade Islands -- Hideo Kamakura, one of the seven shogun who advise the Emperor of the Jade Islands, reportedly commited ritual suicide last week after a long closed-door meeting with the Emperor. No information about the content of the meeting, or the reason for Kamakura's death, has been released. Kamakura was commander of the country's military as well as lord of a major province. The Emperor is expected to name a replacement by the end of the month.
17 Fierdos 1120 Fell Armada destroyed? -- The most brutal and feared of the pirate fleets, the Fell Armada, may be finished. The heroes of the Torchwood returned to Marhaven recently with an Armada cutter in tow and bearing the personal effects of all five of the fleet's infamous commanders. Lord Mayor Ander received the adventurers at his residence and has issued an executive order declaring a public holiday this Friday, 20 Fierdos, in honor of the Torchwood heroes and their great achievement. A celebratory ball and banquet have been scheduled for early evening that day on the hospitality deck. Trouble in the Jade Islands -- Sources recently arrived from the Jade Islands say that the Emperor narrowly escaped an assassination attempt last week at the home of Hideo Kamakura, one of the Emperor's council and head of the nation's military. A diplomatic envoy from the Islands arrived on the Hakudo Maru but declined to confirm the story. Missing heroes return -- A spokesman for the Adventurers' Guild confirmed yesterday that Tolisa Darius and Merkator of Holle are alive and have returned to Marhaven. Both were members of the Daybreak adventuring party that disappeared after delivering the so-called Ghost Ship to authorities in Margier last month. The remaining members of that group -- W'Illot Mauk, Uiq Oevlai, and Pendrul -- are now listed as dead, but the Guild declined to provide any details.
12 Fierdos 1120 Daybreak pirates captured and exposed -- The group of heroes who adventure on the Chimera towed a new prize into Marhaven's docks yesterday: the pirate ship Daybreak, which has been notorious of late for attacking ships on the northern routes. Officials with the Justice Ministry were quick to announce that the captured ship and its crew were not, in fact, the Daybreak and adventuring party known for its heroic acts in service to the city and its people. The pirate crew, they say, had been deliberately impersonating the real Daybreak heroes for the purpose of destroying their reputation as revenge for the heroes' capture and delivery of the so-called Ghost Ship several weeks ago. The Adventurers' Guild still maintains that it has had no contact from any of the real Daybreak party since their departure for Margier last month with the exception of druid Quinn Silvercoral, who did not accompany the group on that trip and has been adventuring with the Chimera party since that time.
6 Fierdos 1120 Another Daybreak attack -- A Belanese charter ship carrying VIP passengers to Nessen is the latest victim of the Daybreak pirates. Three days ago the Lammasu left Belain carrying several officials of the Church of Belain to a conference in the Nessenese port city of Corban. Late on the first day, as the ship passed through the North Basin, it was attacked by the Daybreak. The pirates boarded the ship and, under threat of arms, stole approximately 20,000gp in coin and valuables from the passengers before hobbling the ship and making their escape. The diplomatic implications of the attack have Marhaven officials taking the Daybreak case even more seriously, as the ship carries a Marhaven registry. Lord Mayor Ander has assured the ArchCleric of Belain that the pirates will be caught and appropriately punished. Details are not being made public but sources say that a possible suspect has been identified and taken in for questioning.
28 Eidos 1120 Daybreak piracy? -- The Saurian trade ship Kopesh limped into Marhaven's northeast docks yesterday with an alarming story involving two groups of local heroes. According to Captain Braheem, the Kopesh was attacked at sea by the crew of the Daybreak. The Daybreak is a cog of local registry that is owned by a well-respected adventuring party, who purchased the ship after its former master, Bulrick, was found dead. That death has never been officially explained and had fueled rumors that the Daybreak was an unlucky ship. Crewmen from the Kopesh say that the Daybreak intercepted them on their way to Belain. The pilot came to, thinking the ship to be a party of heroes, only to be boarded and assaulted. Three crewmen were killed and five, including Braheem, were injured. The attackers used a combination of melee, archery and magic against the crew until the appearance of another adventuring ship, the Torchwood, drove the attacking party away. Braheem's description of the ship, the attackers and their tactics is a close match to the appearance and abilities of the adventuring party. Those adventurers are based in Marhaven but a spokesman for the Adventurers' Guild said that only one member of that group has checked in with the Guild since the party left Marhaven for Margier over two weeks ago. The Torchwood party is out of town and unavailable for comment. Extended vacation -- A spokesman for Lord Mayor Ander said today that Viceroy Orin Bronshelm will be extending his vacation in the Horse Realms for another week, possibly more. No explanation was given. 21 Eidos 1120 Fire destroys mansion -- Flames engulfed the house known as Stevens Manor last night and destroyed the storied estate completely. The house was originally built as a bordello and for many years serviced the upper social classes of Marhaven in this capacity. It was purchased by Randall Stevens, a reclusive art dealer, last year. Neighbors say Mr. Stevens was a quiet and unassuming sort of man who seldom mixed socially but was nonetheless respected in the community. The exact cause of the fire is not known but persistent rumors suggest the house may have been deliberately burned down by the Servants of the Beast Below. Mr. Stevens himself is missing and it is not known whether he was in the house at the time of the blaze or not. New threat in the North Basin -- According to pub talk among sailors on recent runs, a new pirate threat has already risen to replace the so-called Ghost Ship, which was recently captured by a local adventuring party and revealed to be a fraud. Several crewmen serving aboard the Abigail, a trade ship based in Margier, report that their ship was stalked for several hours by a cog that moved with unnatural speed. The Abigail's pilot was injured by a magic missile spell from the cog but there was no other harm done. The cog eventually broke pursuit. 14 Eidos 1120 Ghost ship captured -- The Daybreak returned to Marhaven this week with a rich prize: the White Lady, the ghostly ship that has been terrorizing the Northern Basin for some weeks. A hired creman told of how the ghoulish ship attacked the Daybreak and was repulsed, then tracked down to a hidden lair in the Moonlands. The heroes departed again after unloading some cargo to turn over the Lady, which turned out to be a theurgeme decorated to look like a haunted derelict and crewed by common thugs disguised as undead, to authorities in Margier.
7 Eidos 1120 Ghost ship sighted -- Speculation is growing about the alleged presence of a ghost ship in the waters off the Noordian coast as the reason behind the recent run of abandoned ships in that area. The Seafarer's Guild would not confirm reports that a phantom ship, perhaps the famous White Lady, had been seen stalking innocent freighters and passenger vessels in recent weeks. However it was noted by dock workers that the Daybreak, which is now owned by a respected local adventuring party, sailed for Margier on the 4th.
28 Dierdos 1120 Daybreak sold -- The ill-fated ship Daybreak, which has lain idle since returning from the Tumari coast near the end of Varden, has been sold by the late Captain Bulrick's widow. The cog had been for sale for some weeks, but persistent rumors about the ship's run of ill fortune were apparently a deterrent to potential buyers. Sources say the ship was ultimately purchased by a local adventuring group who have made her their headquarters. Roc's Cry mystery deepens -- Reports out of Margier say that the Roc's Cry left the Noordian port city on the 14th of this month fully crewed, in good repair, and with her hold filled with trade goods bound for Corsuhn. She was found three days later by the Terlen, a commercial fishing vessel. When found the Roc's Cry was abandoned, empty, and had drifted over 40 miles off course into the North Basin. Investigators from the ship's home port of Corsuhn admit to being baffled by the situation.
21 Dierdos 1120 Chimera captured -- The Chimera, an outlaw ship associated with smuggling and small-time piracy, was captured this week by a local adventuring group. The skirmish was prompted by the discovery of a cache of stolen goods in a storage facility near the southwest docks. An aide to dockmaster Riley Hanal-Rian said that the heroes brought the Chimera into Marhaven late last night with her hold full of stolen merchandise worth an estimated 10,000gp. The pirate captain and crew resisted capture and were killed in the process. Wizards wanted -- The Marhaven Adventurers' Guild has put out an open call seeking wizards to assist with the new expansion. Candidates must be capable of learning third-level arcane spells of the transformation and abjuration schools and should have experience in alchemy or potion craft. Second ship abandoned -- The fisherman's cog Terlen returned from a deep sea outing yesterday with an unexpected catch in tow: the Roc's Cry, a modest cargo ship registered out of Corsuhn. Captain Lazlo of the Terlen reports that his crew found the Roc's Cry foundering in the open waters of the North Basin. She was completely unmanned and empty, but showed no sign of damage or distress.
14 Dierdos 1120 Memorial tribute -- In a touching twilight memorial service co-hosted by the churches of Boccob and Holle, the body of the late wizard Leopold was disintegrated and the dust scattered into the sea. Longtime Marhaven residents may recall that Leopold took part in the expansion of 1100, which added the two outermost rings to the city's deck structure. The wizard died on or about 5 Dierdos and was laid to rest on the 12th following the customary week-long rituals of Boccob's church. No details of his death have been made public, but it is assumed that Leopold's advanced age was the primary cause. Derelict ship found -- A Noordian delegation returning home from a visit to Marhaven discovered an abandoned ship foundering some 50 miles off Noordia's coast. The ship, the Celeste, is a passenger ship registered in Corusk. According to her manifest and logs, she sailed out of Lunas on 4 Dierdos and was due at her destination in Belain on the 9th. The Noordian delegation encountered the Celeste on the 11th. There was nobody on board and nothing in the hold, but there was no sign of any kind of hostile action either. By custom the ship will be towed to its home port and turned over to the authorities there.
7 Dierdos 1120 Sailors missing, feared dead -- Three sailors on guard duty aboard the Intrepid were reported missing this morning. A relief crew arriving at dawn found the sailors gone and the lower deck stained with blood. No cargo was taken from the ship, which begs the question of what motivated the attack. Noordian delegation meets with Ander -- While on a stopover from his recent mission to Nessen, Chancellor Orwen of Noordia took advantage of the opportunity to meet and renew relations with Lord Mayor Ander. Afterwards the leaders agreed that the discussion was cordial and that such talks should take place more often. Neither offered up any details of exactly what was discussed.
5 Dierdos 1120 Horror at the House of Healing -- Events at the House of Healing took a decidedly unhealthy turn yesterday as a hoarde of bizarre, tentacled creatures appeared in the house and began attacking and killing the staff and patients. Bersolus, of the Church of Freya, arrived for his morning shift to find the place in a panic. He got as many of the staff and patients out as possible and then pressed every available man into service to keep the creatures barricaded inside the House. Bersolus summoned a group of heroes to aide. Bersolus himself was slain as he led the adventurers into the House, but they defeated the monsters with the help of a magic wand retrieved from the church. Archcleric Sebastian was able to revive Bersolus but several others, including two junior clerics of the church, could not be raised successfully. Sources in the community say that some kind of magical potion introduced into the patients' breakfast turned about half of them into the monsters. The Church of Freya, which owns and runs the House of Healing, had no comment on the incident other than to express gratitude toward the adventurers who answered Bersolus's call for help with no promise of reward. Expansion begins -- Work on the new expansion of the housing and dock sectors began this week with the clearing of three warehouses in the northeast warehouse sector to make room for the lumber and other supplies that have been ordered for the project. Dockmaster Nathaniel Rhodes, who is responsible for the northeast docks and warehouse sector, confirmed that with space already at a premium there may be some shortages in other trade supplies due to reduced inventories but that ultimately the project will expand available warehouse space by over 50 percent. 3 Dierdos 1120 Exciting New Years Festival -- The annual new year's festival was particularly exciting this year as two momentous events came together. First, there was the recent arrival of the Tumari mission of Aegir, believed to be dead over a month, alive and healthy. The heroes responsible for saving the clerics from a sahaugin attack and guarding them through their mission were toasted personaly by Lord Mayor Ander, who praised the party's bravery and dedication to service. Then, with the city's most prominent citizens in attendance, Lord Mayor Ander announced as expected that an expansion of the housing sector and docks would begin within the month. The new expansion will add 4.5 million square feet of space to the housing sector, provide for new docks with twice the capacity of the current ones, and then a conversion of the old docks into much-needed additional warehouse space. The magnitude of the work is such that nearly every craftsman and supplier in the city will contribute to the project in one form or another. Work is expected to take about a year to complete. As one might expect in a city the size of Marhaven, there was also excitement of another kind at the festival as a large number of party-goers reported incidents of pickpocketing in the streets. Several street urchins were caught and arrested and the city watch is seeking those who profited from the spree.
28 Wylden 1119 Tumari Heroes Return -- Five heroes reported dead on the Tumari coast several weeks ago returned to Marhaven aboard the Triton this week. Sources say the heroes, who were attacked by sahaugin as they tried to land on the coast last month, managed to fight off the attackers successfully only to find that the Daybreak had left them for dead. All of the clerics of Aegir also returned alive and in good health, along with one of the Daybreak's crew who had also been reported slain when the Daybreak returned to Marhaven. A spokesman for the Church of Aegir praised their goddess for safeguarding the group on their mission and expressed gratitude and relief that the clerics and the heroes completed their mission despite the disastrous beginning. The Adventurers' Guild expressed its pleasure at the discover as well and assured the Crier that these heroes will be well compensated for their trouble and for their dedication to the mission. It appears that the heroes have been compensated to some extent already. Sources say the Triton had another ship in tow when she arrived in town -- a cutter of the Fell Armada fleet captured by the heroes when it attacked the Triton a night out of Corsuhn. Mages Missing -- Authorities have confirmed a series of missing persons reports filed lately concerning low-level magic users. At this time the city watch does not believe that the three reported cases are connected but cautions magic users, who are typically poorly trained in physical self-defense, to take reasonable precautions when walking by night.
22 Wylden 1119 Festival Preparations -- Plans are in full swing for the festival observing the Nessenese new year. All government offices will be closed on 1 Dierdos except for city watch and fire brigades. An all-day festival in the market square will be highlighted by a performance from the Thespian Conspiracy at high noon. The festival will conclude with the customary dusk prayer service for a peaceful and prosperous year, held jointly by priests of the Temples of Aegir, Braga, Frey, Freya, Njord, and Tyr. Another bad break for the Daybreak -- Already rampant rumors of a curse on the Daybreak were fed again yesterday when the body of Captain Bulrick was found floating under the outer deck near the Northeast docks. From appearances the captain had been dead for some time. The Daybreak has been idle since returning from a second ill-fated mission for the Church of Aegir. Four clerics, five hired adventurer/bodyguards, and three members of the crew were lost when sahaugin attacked the ship on the Tumari coast last month. Expansion imminent -- Lord Mayor Ander is expected to announce plans at the new year's festival for a new expansion of the housing and dock/warehouse sectors. Concerns about overcrowding and safety in the residence sectors have been high since a fire last month destroyed several private boats that were being used as improvised housing. Pressure exerted on the City Council by the trade and merchant guilds, who run the docks and have bee chronically short of warehouse space, also helped to push the Lord Mayor into agreeing to the expensive expansion. Current plans call for adding a new outer layer of decks, proportionally larger than the current outer platforms, to the housing sector. The three new decks would add 4.5 million square feet of deck space to the existing housing sector without requiring a relocation of the south naval station. The plan also calls for creating new, larger dock platforms to replace the current northeast and southwest docks and converting the existing docks into warehouse space. Estimates are that the expansion will cost as much as 10 million gold pieces and will take the better part of a year to complete.
15 Wylden 1119 Pirate attack fails -- A ship of the Fell Armada attacked a Noordian cruiser bound for Nessen four days ago. The Armada ship grappled the Noordian vessel and attempted to board. Unfortunately for the Armada, the Noordian ship was carrying a diplomatic envoy and had more than ample soldiers on board to repel the attack. Those of the Armada crew who survived the attack were taken back to Noordia for trial. Emergency at Eldmoor -- Eldmoor prison colony warden Aiden Seacrest was taken to the temple of Freya last week and treated for unspecified grave injuries. Seacrest was transported aboard the Lucent, which was docked at Eldmoor to deliver the convicted felon Keldo Tidewater. The exact nature of the warden's injuries and how he sustained them are not known. 27th Varden 1119 Second tragedy on the Tumari coast -- A second relief mission by the Church of Aegir to the Tumari coast ended in disaster this week as savage marine creatures murdered the entire missionary crew. The Daybreak pulled in to the northeast docks yesterday with the sad news. As the party, which included four clerics of Aegir and five guardians sent by the Adventurers' Guild, rowed ashore they were set upon by vicious sea creatures. Two of the Daybreak's crewmen and her first mate were killed in the assault as well. The missionaries were junior clerics of the Church of Aegir. Only one of the adventurers -- Ashkurlea, a member of Marhaven's Tideborn Cabal -- had local ties. A memorial service will be held at Aegir's temple in the center deck at midday on the 28th. Conviction in Southwest Warehouse crimes -- Keldo Tidewater was found guilty by a tribunal of all charges stemming from the incidents in the southwest warehouse sector for which he was charged. The charges against the herbalist included piracy, theft of goods, vandalism, and conspiracy with pirates and black marketeers. It is also rumored that Tidewater had ties to the Servants of the Beast Below, a fanatical religious cult dedicated to an undersea monstrous deity that, according to all credible researchers, does not exist. Tidewater's storefront in the service sector has been seized by the city and awarded to the Apothecaries' Guild to dispose of as they please. The pinnacle ship used by the criminals to move goods out of the city had previously been given to the adventuring team that uncovered the plot. 20th Varden 1119 Blood on the southwest docks -- Longshoreman Tulius Gibbons is dead today, the victim of a pack of dire rats that somehow were set loose on A deck in the southwest warehouse sector two nights ago. Gibbons and his partner were patrolling A deck as usual when the rats appeared in the area of warehouse buildings A22 and A23. The beasts attacked the pair, who called out for help and defended themselves as best they could. The partner, whose name has not been made public, escaped by diving into the water and swimming to an inner deck. Gibbons was surrounded and died before help could arrive. Vandals Vanquished -- A party of adventurers has captured the vandals that have been victimizing warehouses on the southwest docks, according to harbormaster Riley Hanal-Rian. The hired group, provided by the Adventurers' Guild, apprehended a band of sea kith in the act of trying to steal a shipment of masterwork tools. They followed an escaping thief to the gang's headquarters, an herbalist shop in the Service Sector run by a sea kin known as Keldo Tidewater. It is believed that the shop was a front for a rogue thieves' guild or black market operation. Stolen goods were kept at the shop for a short time and then taken out of the city by night on a small stealth ship. Found at the scene were a priceless set of Melchior Fordney ceremonial daggers and a consignment of perfumes and spices belonging to Saurian merchant Suleen Nar-Alzun, the latter of which had been stolen from warehouse B18 just a few nights ago. Nar-Alzun expressed his gratitude for the recovery of his goods. "I am overjoyed that a portion of my merchandise has been recovered," he said. "Clearly these heroes are new to Marhaven, for they have not yet learned to treat my people with the contempt that we so often experience when doing business in this city." The ship has been captured and turned over to the adventurers. The merchant guilds have taken possession of Tidewater's shop and will determine its future once the fate of its former proprietor has been settled. New Tumari mission sails -- A new party of clerics of the Church of Aegir sailed this morning aboard the Daybreak for the Tumari coast. A previous mission ended tragically last week when the clerics were attacked on their way to shore. The Church of Aegir promised to send a new party and solicited volunteers immediately. The new group consists of four clerics and five adventurers by the Adventurers' Guild whose mission is to protect the clerics on their journey. The trip is expected to last three weeks, barring further unpleasantness. A spokeswoman for the Church issued a statement asking the faithful to pray that the new party will meet with smooth sailing and friendly shores.
17th Varden 1119 Vicious attack off the Tumari coast -- The Church of Aegir's latest mission to the Tumari Coalition ended before it even began as the missionaries were attacked by savage creatures when trying to row ashore. Four junior priests from the Church set sail for the Tumari coast last week aboard the Daybreak on one of the Church's frequent mercy missions to the impoverished coastal region. As the missionaries rowed to shore, their rowboat was capsized by a blow from beneath and all hands were dumped into the water. The clerics were then attacked by scaly, green humanoid monsters with sharp claws and teeth. The Daybreak's crew tossed out lines and rescued one cleric and the oarsman, but the rest were lost. A spokeswoman for the Church of Aegir announced yesterday that a new mission will leave Marhaven for Tumari, again aboard the Daybreak, within the week. Captain Bulrick would not confirm rumors that the Adventurers' Guild has agreed to send an adventuring party to protect the clerics. More trouble on the Southwest Docks -- Perfume and spice dealer Suleen Nar-Alzun woke yesterday morning to the highly unpleasant news that an entire consignment of expensive goods had been dumped into the sea. There are no witnesses to the event, but sources tell of a hole cut into the floor of warehouse building B18, where Nar-Alzun's goods were stored, which may have provided both access for the vandals and a convenient way to dump the goods without being seen by patrols. This is the third major incident of theft or vandalism in the southwest warehouse sector this month. Dockmaster Riley Hanal-Rian had no comment.
There was no damage to city structures.