

As a general rule we adventure with three groups. The composition of the groups has changed dramatically since the beginning of the campaign and it's not unusual for a character to cross over from one group to another for a single adventure.

Meet our intrepid heroes:


Group 1

Merkator of Holle

Male Shoal Halfling
Favored Soul 7 (Holle)

Though personally neutral, Merkator's close relationship with the Noordian goddess of Death, Fate and the Underworld marked him from an early age. He is a loner in most things, following the will of his goddess and promoting her interests in the world. Merkator's spell choices reflect the character of his goddess and include not only healing spells but also a number of fate-altering curses and a bit of necromancy. When physical combat is necessary Merkator fights with his +1 sizing scythe.


Tolisa Darius

Female Sea Kin
Wu Jen 7 (Water)

Tolisa was born in Marhaven but left home for the Jade Islands to study magic rather than take up the family traditions of natural healing and druidism. She retains a family talent for alchemy and often uses alchemical means to solve minor problems in order to save her spells for when they are truly needed. As part of the mental discipline of the wu jen Tolisa is forbidden to drink alcohol or to carry a flame.

Tana Brightwave

Female Aquatic Elf
Fighter 7

Tana shares very little about her past. She learned to fight in the sea elf military, where she served in the same unit as a brash recruit named Quinn, but the two parted company about 100 years ago after an incident neither will discuss but which resulted in Tana abandoning this world and taking up residence on the Elemental Plane of Water in the City of Glass. After adventuring there with Tolisa and Merkator, Tana elected to join them on their return to Marhaven and become part of their group.

Tana wears supple armor made from the hide and scales of a dragon eel. Her fighting style, which relies on a pair of custom-made gauntlets with retractable blades, is unique and highly effective.


Male Hadozee
Rogue 7

Auric loves ships and the sea, which is how he came to Marhaven. His only greater love is adventure, and for that he joined up with his new friends and became part of Group One.

He may be physically mature but Auric is still very boyish at heart. He loves to climb and to use his gliding ability. He is a deadly shot with a bow carries a short sword for backup.

(Picture from Stormwrack page 151)



Group 2

Tideborn Ashkurlea ("Ash")

Female Illumian
Sorcerer 17

Tideborn Ashkurlea is a member of Tideborn Cabal, which is based in Marhaven. Sorcerers being rare among illumians, Ash has never really gotten over the feeling of being different from the others around her.  She asked and received permission to become an Agent Outside and to travel freely as an adventurer. She currently lives aboard the party's ship, the Torchwood, with her weasel familiar, Tak.

Edgar Loki

Male Xeph
Soulknife 17

Named for a well-known deity of mischief and revenge, Edgar Loki is one of those soulknives whose powers come from the strength of his emotions rather than mental discipline. He came to Marhaven out of curiosity about life on the sea and fell in with an active adventuring party.

When time permits Loki prefers to shape his mind blade into a two-bladed sword and wield it as a double weapon.

Tika Quartermoon

Female Human
Cleric 17 (Pelor: Strength, Healing)

Tika has no idea of her exact age or family. Twenty years ago she was left on the doorstep of one of the many missions run by the Church of Pelor along the borders of the Moonlands. At 4 feet 11 inches Tika is very small for a human, which leads many to underestimate her abilities. She is schooled in the Strength and Healing domains and from her time at the mission has considerable experience in treating lycanthrope.

Tika has a talent for intimidating the group's enemies through dramatic use of her spells, particularly enlarge person. When that doesn't work she is a deadly shot with a crossbow.

Vladimir Vondran

Male Darfellan
Scout 8 / Justiciar 9

Hailing from a now-destroyed darfellan settlement, Vladimir Vondran has a keen sense of justice and perhaps a touch more zeal in pursuing it than the next guy.

Vondran is the custodian of the Arm of Telomir, a legendary harpoon once owned by a famous darfellan hunter and warrior. Discovering and unlocking the hidden powers of this weapon has become a major part of his adventuring life.

Vondran wears masterwork armor made from the hide of a black dragon he helped to slay in battle.

Hyros Rainore

Male Human
Cleric 6/ Prestige Paladin 11

Born to a rich and influential family, Hyros renounced his inheritance at a young age and joined the Church of Belain as a lowly cleric. He worked his way through the ranks determined to advance on merit alone, and to the horror of his well-heeled parents pursued the path of a Paladin of Belain. By joining the party in their mission against the illithids who are organizing the undersea army, Hyros hopes to protect and defend his Church and his people from an insidious evil.


Group 3

Aria Seastar

Female Aventi
Monk 14/Tattooed Monk 4

The daughter of famed Aventi paladin Kallaebri Seastar and her husband, Lord Tagren, Aria found herself alone at the age of three when her parents mysteriously disappeared. A monastery associated with the Order of the Pearl took the girl in and saw to her education. Now a quiet, introspective, intensely curious young lady, Aria has come to Marhaven to adventure and, perhaps, to one day learn what became of her parents.

Aria recently chose to walk the mystical path of the Tattooed Monk.


Male Hill Dwarf
Wizard 13/Force Missile Mage 5

Strontium is a rarity among rarities. He is a dwarf from a traditional clan, yet he has a strong fascination with magic. So much so, in fact, that he was shunned by the old-school types that run his clan and opted for the free-ranging life of an adventuring mage.

Strontium has a particular interest in force magic, especially the magic missile spell and variants such as Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm.

(Picture taken from the PC game Neverwinter Nights)

Teiliaquinnas Oromae ("Quinn")

Female Aquatic Elf
Druid 18

Quinn is a resident of Marhaven Below, the coral and shell neighborhood built by her people on the ruins of what used to be Marhaven's land mass. She is a devoted follower of Njord, god of the ocean and sun, though she of course pays respect to Deep Sashelas as the patron of her people. She wears sharkskin armor and wields a +1 adamantine frost trident.

Quinn casts spells from the druid spell list, but does so in the manner of a favored soul; that is, she knows a limited number of spells but can cast them spontaneously rather than having to prepare them in advance.

Audas Taius

Male Human
Warlock 18

Like Strontium, Audas Taius is a devotee of raw magical force. There is fiendish blood deep in the Taius family tree and that blood manifests itself in the innate power Audas has discovered in himself. He studies as a warlock to learn how to control and increase that power.

Caenus of the Wolf Tribe

Male Human
Totem Barbarian 18

Caenus (pronounced KAY-nuss) is a warrior from the land of Ursair. His tribe is devoted to the mystical spirit of the wolf. His allegiance with that primal spirit helps Caenus to use the wolf's cunning in battle. He is skilled with the spiked chain, which he uses for trip attacks and conventional attacks. He also carries a composite longbow and a trident as secondary weapons.

Mrs. Wilkins

Female Human
Beguiler 12/Unseen Seer 5

In her youth, Gertrude Hoare was a daring adventuring lass who enjoyed success with several groups. Then she settled down into the respectable life of a Madam, catering to the needs of the more discreet and well-connected gentlemen of Marhaven. She married one of those gentlemen, Derek Wilkins, and retired happy and prosperous. Then Derek passed away and the bank that held her savings failed, forcing Mrs. Wilkins out of retirement and back into the adventuring life. Though she looks like a frail old lady, Mrs. Wilkins is a highly accomplished spellcaster and diplomat whose mind is at least as sharp as her rapier.


Large Shark
Animal Companion of Quinn

Baelavin accompanies Quinn on adventures when it is feasible for him to do so. Quinn has taught him the tricks attack, defend, down, track, and come .



Male Sea Kin
Spellthief 18

Melian joined the party by invitation to add a much-needed element of stealth to the group. He is a crafty combatant who rarely resorts to frontal attack.

Melian's favorite weapon is his +2 returning trident, which he can throw or thrust as the situation warrants.



Karui Aruite ("Karu")

Male Human
Ninja 11

As a young boy in the Jade Islands, Karu (the name means "Light of Foot" in his native tongue) was expected to follow the traditions of his family and become a samurai. Everything changed, however, when Karu failed to protect his shogun's daughter from a more experienced and deadly enemy. The punishment for Karu's failure was loss of face and expulsion from his home. Now he trains as a ninja and chooses his own missions, fighting with shuriken and the luck blade he acquired from a slain sahuagin baron.

Karu was killed in combat with half-illithid sahuagin mutants (Chain of Command 2) when one of the enemy managed to extract his brain while Karu was stunned. The party brought him back with a resurrection spell but Karu had lost his appetite for adventuring. He left the party to return home to the Jde Islands and seek the forgiveness of his shogun.



These characters disappeared when their ship was destroyed by a kraken and later died in a cave deep below Marhaven in a battle with Group Three (Down the Rabbit Hole). Exactly how they became pawns to the mysterious being in the depths is still unknown, but they were clearly under some kind of mental domination during that final battle and should not be condemned for it.

Uiq Oevlai

Male Human
Psychic Warrior 5

Uiq (pronounced "Yook") came to Marhaven after being cast out of his hometown because of anti-psi sentiment. He was the heavy damage specialist of Group 1. He wielded a bastard sword in one or two hands but was also devastatingly effective with the maul.


Female Human
Swashbuckler 5

As a girl of what is called 'good family' Pendrul watched in horror while her sisters were married off to old, rich men to fatten their father's wallet. When her turn came, Pendrul rebelled and signed on with a privateer crew. She learned to handle a rapier and won the respect of her shipmates. She adventured with Group 1 as a swashbuckler and impressed everyone with her style and wit.

W'illot Mauk

Male Tiefling
Rogue 1 / Spellthief 4

A mysterious and deeply guarded individual, W'illot had enough experience of both good and evil to be sure he wanted as little to do with either as possible. He was born with a small pair of vestigial horns that were lopped off early in his life to help him fit in. He wore thick hair and a black skullcap to hide the telltale scars. His high charisma helped him to get along with the worldly and educated types, but simple folk always seemed inclined to keep an extra step back from him anyway.

Most of the portraits above were created using Character Artist Pro from ProFantasy Software. The maps of the city and campaign world were drawn using ProFantasy's Campaign Cartographer II.